Personal work 2024
Personal work 2024
Album cover for my boy Deadbeat Donnie
For centuries, tales have been told of the cherub, Q-Pid, and it's horror. Small, fat, and confused on which limbs to walk on, it returns on the 14th day of February for Valentine's day. Seeking for sight, with it's bone and arrow, it shoots into the hearts of many, allowing Q-Pid to see through their eyes.
A day meant to celebrate love among the world has become a day of dread for those who are hunted.
Original will be up on my site in a few.
11x36 inch multimedium
Originally a fan art piece for the Jordan Peele movie and was approached to be used for Universal’s promotional material.
A recreation of my self medicated painting from a few years back, I recreated it to focus on my mental health mission. Digitally recreated in photoshop.
One of my largest commissions by a very trusting client. Coming in at 33 x 55 inches, created in water color and ink on hot press watercolor paper, subject matter was inspired by the title, Embrace your Agony.
Virtue has a Veil, Vice a mask.
An original design for the upcoming ThirtySixBlack tattoo gallery show in Florida. So much of the day we wear multiple masks depending who we are around.
Materials: Hot Pres watercolor paper, ink, watercolor.
Learning to Dance with my Depression
Is a very important piece to me that was created for the currently ongoing The Exiled art show in Chicago at the Ars Memoria Gallery.What seems more like a dance than a battle, we all must try to take the lead when dealing with our depression.
Materials: Hot Press watercolor paper, ink, watercolor, depression
Zodiac Signs
All 12 zodiac signs re-imagined as weird skinny inky people
Materials: Ink, paper
Album cover design for Dirt Mill's second cd release , With Teeth.
Created with water color, ink, and acrylic paint on panel board.
Se7en Sins
The seven sins re-imagined as weird creepy inky creatures.
Materials: Ink, pencil, paper, sins
Sleep Paralysis
Created for a client who studies sleep paralysis, the concept depicts what so many feel during such a terrifying moment in the middle of the night.
Materials: Hot press Watercolor paper, ink, copic markers, watercolor
I pour my heart like down pouring rain. Flooded emotion and washed away pain.
Personal artwork created for ThirtySixBlack Tattoo group Art show 2017.
Materials: Hot Press watercolor paper, ink, copic markers, watercolor
Client: Seether / Concord Music Group
Created the concepts and album layout for Seether's 2017 album release for Poison the Perish and Rise Above charity festival poster.
Materials: Ink, Photoshop
The Black Priest
Created with using watercolor inks for the first time.
Materials: Hot Press watercolor paper, ink, acrylic, watercolor
We're all Mad Here
Created for the Tim Burton Tribute group show 2016.
Materials: Arches panel board, ink, watercolor.
Kindergarten: Stories & Tragedies by Shawn Coss
I've always wanted to write a book that paid homage to the Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark series and also tap into my fears as being a new parent. I was able to raise enough funds on Kickstarter to produce 13 stories and hopefully cast out some of those parental fears while making readers pee the bed.
Materials: Pencil, Kickstarter, Fears
Beg Forgiveness
Created for my first 2 man group show at Ars Memoria Gallery in Chicago, Illinois, called the Exiled, 2017. Subject matter revolving around being cast out and isolated. This famous Jewish prisoner quote really hit me.
Materials: Arches panel board, ink, watercolor. Custom skull frame accents.
Kill it Before it Kills You
Created for the 2 man group show, The Exiled, featuring myself and Jay Ferguson at the Ars Memoria Gallery in Chicago Illinois.
Materials: Arches panel board, ink, water color, suffering.
I can always make you smile
My homage to the Pon & Zi art , I wanted to have my own creepy take. It's to this day one of my most popular designs.
Prints: Smile Print
Shirts: Smile Shirt
Created in celebration of Alien's Day.
Materials: Hot press paper, ink, photoshop, chest burster.
Some Halo's come with Slipknots
Created for the 2 man group show, The Exiled, featuring myself and Jay Ferguson at the Ars Memoria Gallery in Chicago Illinois.
Materials: Arches panel board, ink, watercolor
Original artwork for my first solo show at Ars Memoria in Chicago, Illinois. Created with ink and water color, custom skull frame accents.
I had the honor to collaborate with the crime podcast , True Crime Garage and design a remake of their logo.
A fan art design inspired by In This Moment which began our relationship working together on tour tshirts.
My homage to my child hood favorite comic series, Calvin & Hobbes.
Limited edition Van slip ons created for Anomalies by Any Means Necessary.
Growing up with 2 daughters, you tend to watch a lot more Disney films than you’d like to admit. So I did what any sane Dad would do and destroyed their princesses and brought them to the darkness.
Ink and watercolor on panel board.
With so much weighing down on you sometimes, piercing your skin to your very soul with negativity dipped arrows, it's hard to move forward. But we do. And we will. We armor up and we embrace those Archer's arrows and allow them to become more than just wounds, we allow them to be reminders that we must keep pushing forward and keep our head in the clouds and look to brighter futures.
Single Art design for Mike G of Oddfuture